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Computation Intelligence & Industrial Big Data Laboratory




Introduction of Laboratory


The Laboratory is dedicated to the analysis and mining of complex large-scale production process and massive equipment status data, and conducts innovative research on the core issues of artificial intelligence such as nonlinear time-varying systems analysis, dynamic multi-objective optimization, industrial big data processing, etc. At the same time, it is oriented to intelligent manufacturing, intelligent logistics, smart city and other engineering applications, solving the key problems such as equipment intelligent transformation, system scheduling optimization, data processing of Internet of things, etc.


At present, the laboratory has undertaken 21 national, provincial, municipal and enterprise cooperation projects, including National Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth, Fujian Science and Technology Projects, Fujian Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, Quanzhou Introduced High-level Talents Team, etc. The laboratory has cooperated with more than 10 leading enterprises in Fujian province, such as Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Co. Ltd., Fujian Special Equipment Inspection Institute, Longyan Haidexin Automobile Co., Ltd, Fujian Seven Brand Group Co., Ltd, Shuhua Sports Co., Ltd., Quanzhou Kungfu Animation Group, Fujian Ruanzhong Digital Technology Co., Ltd, etc. These enterprises provide a good and stable verification platform for the practical engineering application of research results.



Scientific Layout



Research Achievements

团队目前已在IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems、Energy & Fuels.等领域内国际顶级SCI期刊上发表一区长文3篇,二区长文9篇,申请专利29项,其中发明专利23项。在国际上首次提出了“在线结构可变的径向基神经网络”模型,并在此模型基础上提出了一系列的在线优化学习算法,其中“快速在线自适应学习”算法可以有望解决学术界和工业界的共性难题:非线性系统的非平稳性(时变)问题。团队在智能计算、软测量、故障诊断与报警、预警系统、多目标优化、系统辨识等方面有诸多研究成果,共发表30余篇高水平论文。

At present, the team has published 3 papers in JCR Q1 and 9 papers in JCR Q2 in this field of international top SCI journals, such us IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Energy & Fuels, etc. There are also 29 patents have been applied, including 23 patents for invention. “The online structure variable RBF neural network model” is put forward for the first time in the world and based on this model, proposed a series of online optimization learning algorithms, in which “the fast online adaptive leaning algorithms” can solve the common problem of academia and industry: non-stationary (time-varying) problem of nonlinear systems. The team has obtained many research achievements in the aspects of intelligent computing, soft-sensor, fault diagnosis and alarm, early-warning system, multi-objective optimization, system identification and so on, and has published over 30 high-level papers.



Research Team

团队现拥有来自英国雷丁大学、中科院自动化所、中国石油大学等海内外知名高校的科研人员16名,其中博士学历以上人员3名,高级职称人员2名,硕士研究生6名。并与加拿大阿尔伯塔大学Biao Huang院士、英国南安普顿大学Sheng Chen院士、英国雷丁大学Xia Hong教授等领域内顶级专家的研究团队建立了长期良好的实质性学术合作关系。2017年,团队入选泉州市首批“港湾计划引进高层次人才团队”,荣获第二届“海峡杯”创新创业大赛团队组第二名(全球1120个项目参与角逐)。2018年,荣获第十五届“福建青年五四奖章”青年科研团队。2019年,获批建设“福建省复杂动态系统智能辨识与控制重点实验室”。

At present, the team has 16 researchers who are from famous universities at home and abroad, such as the University of Reading, UK, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China University of Petroleum, etc., including 3 with doctor's degree or above, 2 with senior professional title and master students 6 people. Besides, they have established long-term and good substantial academic cooperation relationship with the research team of top experts in this field, such as academician Biao Huang of the University of Alberta in Canada, academician Sheng Chen of the University of Southampton in UK, and Prof. Xia Hong of the University of Reading in UK etc. In 2017, the team was elected as one of the first batch of Quanzhou “Bay Plan” Introduced High-level Talents Team, and won the second place in the team group of the 2nd "Strait Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (1120 projects from around the world participated in this competition). In 2018, the team won the research team of 15th "Fujian Youth Five Four Medal". In 2019, the team is approved to build the Fujian Province Key Laboratory for Intelligent Identification and Control of Complex Dynamic System.



Team Leader

陈豪 Hao Chen

研究员/课题组长。2006年获中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学自动化专业学士学位,2009年在英国谢菲尔德大学控制系统专业获得一等荣誉硕士(Distinction),2013年获英国雷丁大学Cybernetic(控制论)专业博士学位。“智能计算与工业大数据”实验室负责人,硕士生导师,“福建省复杂动态系统智能辨识与控制重点实验室”主任,中国自动化学会-数据驱动控制与优化专业委员会委员。入选福建省“杰青”,首批福建省引进高层次人才境外B类,首批泉州市“港湾计划”引进高层次人才团队负责人,福建省五四青年团队负责人,泉州市五四青年奖章个人,中科院“春苗”青年人才,中科院“青促会”成员。长期从事智能计算、工业大数据、非线性时变系统分析建模的研究工作,目前已在《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》(JCR一区,IF=10.387)等领域内多个顶级国际期刊上以第一作者及共同第一作者身份发表多篇高水平学术论文,申请专利29项,其中发明专利23项。近两年,主持承担有国家自然科学基金,福建省自然科学基金“杰青”项目、福建省高层次人才项目、泉州市高层次人才团队项目,以及与福建晋华集成电路、福建柒牌、舒华体育、福建软众等企业合作项目17余项。

Dr. Chen, a researcher & group leader. He received his Bachelor degree in the major of automation from National University of Defense Technology in 2006, Mater degree (Distinction) in the major of control system from The University of Sheffield, UK in 2009, Doctor’s degree in the major of Cybernetic from University of Reading, UK in 2013. He is the leader of Computation Intelligence & Industrial Big Data Laboratory, master's tutor, the director of Fujian Province Key Laboratory for Intelligent Identification and Control of Complex Dynamic System, and a committee member of China Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS). He was elected to be Fujian Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the first batch of Fujian Introduced High-level Talents (Overseas Class B), the director of the first batch of Quanzhou “Bay Plan” Introduced High-level Talents Team, the leader of research team won the “Fujian Youth Five Four Medal”, the person won the “Quanzhou Youth Five Four Medal”, the youth talent of “Chun Miao” and the member of “Youth Innovation Promotion Association” in Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Chen has been engaged in the scientific research of intelligent computing, industrial big data, nonlinear time-varying system analysis and modeling and other fields for a long time. At present, he has published many high-level academic papers as the first author and co-first author in several top international academic journals in this field, including IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (JCR Q1, IF=10.387), and applied for 29 patents, among which 23 are patents for invention. In recent years, he has undertaken more than 17 projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth, Fujian Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, Fujian High-level Talents Project, Quanzhou High-level Talents Team Project and the projects cooperated with enterprises, such as with Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Co., Seven Brand Group Co., Ltd., Shuhua Sports Co., Ltd., Fujian Ruanzhong Digital Technology Co. Ltd. and so on.



Key Team Members

陈松航 Songhang Chen

副研究员/科研骨干博士毕业于中国科学院自动化研究所。入选福建省引进高层次人才(C类)、泉州市高层次人才。截止目前,作为课题负责人主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,国家重点实验室优秀青年人才基金项目1项;参与国家自然科学基金项目5项;作为技术负责人承担横向项目 6项。作为项目负责人主持国家、省和市级项目3项,发表SCIEI论文10余篇,申请和授权专利20余项。研究方向为动态多目标优化、高性能计算、大数据、物联网以及智能交通等方面。

Songhang Chen, an associate researcher & the backbone researcher, graduated from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences with a Ph.D. He was elected for Fujian Introduced of High-level Talents (Class C) and Quanzhou Introduced of High-level Talents. Till now, as a project leader, he has hosted 1 project of National Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth and 1 project of the State Key Laboratory Foundation for Excellent Youth Talents. Besides, he has participated in 5 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China and undertaken 6 horizontal projects as a technical leader. As a program leader, he has hosted 3 projects of national, provincial, and city project. He has published more than 10 SCI and EI papers, and applied for and authorized more than 20 patents. His research interests include dynamic multi-objective optimization, high-performance computing, big data, Internet of things, intelligent transportation and so on.


刘哲夫 Zhefu Liu


Zhefu Liu, an assistant researcher & the backbone researcher, graduated from the State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum (Beijing). Till now, he has hosted multiple projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 project of the Fujian Science and Technology Plan External Cooperation and 1 project of the Quanzhou Science and Technology Plan External Cooperation. He has published more than 20 SCI and EI papers His research interests include offline data mining, multi-objective optimization, deep learning, heating furnace temperature control and so on.


王森林 Senlin Wang


Senlin Wang, an engineer, graduated from control engineering major of Nanchang Hangkong University with a Master degree. He joined Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing in 2015. He is engaged in the research of pattern recognition, online machine learning, big data analysis. He was elected to be Quanzhou Introduced of High-level Talents, Jinjiang Outstanding Talents, and Quanzhou Technical Expert. Till now, He has published 3 SCI papers, 5 EI papers, applied for and authorized 15 patents for invention and 8 patents for utility models.


王耀宗 Yaozong Wang


Yaozong Wang, an engineer, graduated from control engineering major of Xiamen University with a Master degree in 2016. He was elected to be Quanzhou Introduced of High-level Talents, the first batch of Quanzhou “Bay Plan” Introduced High-level Talents Team, Jinjiang "Straits Plan" Entrepreneurship Team Introduced of High-level Talents. He has long been engaged in the research of optimization and decision of complex systems, the analysis and mining of big data. He has hosted and participated 4 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 projects of National Science Foundation of Fujian, 3 projects of Fujian Science and Technology Plan, 3 projects of Quanzhou Science and Technology Plan, and more than 10 projects cooperated with enterprises. He has participated in the construction of 3 provincial platforms, and established the Quanzhou's first industrial big data analysis cloud platform as the core backbone. Nearly five years, he has published 2 SCI papers and 1 EI paper, applied for and authorized 23 patents for invention and 1 patents for utility models, and 1 patents for software copyright. He also won the 15th “Fujian Youth Five Four Medal” Youth Scientific Research Team and the 16th "Fujian Youth Five Four Medal" Collective Model in 2018-2019.


张丹 Dan Zhang

工程师。硕士毕业于西安理工大学。个人入选泉州市引进高层次人才、泉州市科技特派员,所在团队入选福建省“青年五四奖章”青年科研团队、首批泉州市“港湾计划”引进高层次人才团队。主要从事数据可视化、系统辨识、非线性时变系统分析等方面的研究,参与国家、省部、市级及企业合作项目14项,发表SCI和EI论文5篇,申请和授权发明专利3 项。

Dan Zhang, an engineer, graduated from Xi’an University of Technology with a Master degree. She was elected to be Quanzhou Introduced of High-level Talents, Quanzhou Technical Expert. Her team was elected to the “Fujian Youth Five Four Medal” Youth Scientific Research Team the first batch of Quanzhou “Bay Plan” Introduced High-level Talents Team. At present, she is engaged in the research of data visualization, system identification, nonlinear time-varying system analysis, has participated in 14 projects of national, provincial, city, and cooperated with enterprises. She has published 5 SCI and EI papers, and applied for and authorized 3 patents for invention.


连明昌 Mingchang Lian

助理工程师。硕士毕业于吉林大学,2019年加入泉州装备制造研究所。目前主要从事智能物流、智能运维、数据分析等方面的研究,参与多项国家“863”计划、吉林省、军内等科研项目,发表学术发表2 篇论文,申请专利3 项。

Mingchang Lian, Assistant engineer, graduated from Jilin University with a Master degree. He joined Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing in 2019. At present, he is engaged in the research of Intelligent logistics, Intelligent operation and maintenance, and data analysis. He has participated in multiple projects of the national "863 Program'', Jilin, and Military project, published 2 academic papers, and applied for 3 patents.



Contact Information


邮    箱:zdan@fjirsm.ac.cn

Contact Person: Dan Zhang

E-mail: zdan@fjirsm.ac.cn